Desserts and Salads

Desserts and Salads

Desserts and Salads

Author : Gesine Lemcke
Subject: Other subjects
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher unknown
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2009
Coppy right Unknown

I ASK every one who may become possessed of this book to read the recipes herein contained carefully and thoughtfully before attempting the making of any of them, and also to observe the following instructions:

            Weigh and measure all ingredients exactly, and have everything ready to mix before you commence.

            If you measure your ingredients by means of a cup be sure you use one which holds half a pint.

            Use neither more nor less of anything than the recipe instructs you, and be sure to have your fire just right, as also instructed by the recipe.

            If at first success does not come to you do not despair, but persist in following the advice of the old adage: “Try, try again.”

            You should always bear in mind that honest work is never lost and that reward must come in the end.