The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets

The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets

The Messiah in Moses and the Prophets

Author : Eleazar Lord
Subject: Other subjects
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher Chưa rõ
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2010
Coppy right Chưa rõ

CHAPTER I. Reasons for examining the Hebrew Records of the Messiah.

CHAPTER II. The Messiah announced by Malachi, as Adonai, even Melach, the Messenger of the Covenant—His appearance to Jacob at Bethel; and to Isaiah, Abraham, Moses, Gideon, and others, under various designations, as Adonai, Melach, a Man, Jehovah Zebaoth, the Holy One, El-Shadai, &c.

CHAPTER III. Reasons for rendering the formula “Melach Jehovah,” the Messenger (who is) Jehovah; and not the Angel, or an Angel of the Lord. CHAPTER IV. Visible Appearance of the Messenger Jehovah to Hagar.

CHAPTER V. No visible Divine Appearances ever made except of the Messiah, the Mediator in all the Relations of God to the World.

CHAPTER VI. Appearances of the Messenger Jehovah to Abraham and to Jacob.

CHAPTER VII. References to various Appearances of Jehovah and Elohim to the Patriarchs.

CHAPTER VIII. Of the Doctrines, Worship, and Faith of those earliest mentioned in Scripture—Reference to the History of Moses, Noah, Joshua.

CHAPTER IX. Narrative concerning Job.

CHAPTER X. Further notice of Divine Manifestations to Abraham and Jacob—Mysteriousness attending the Divine Appearance—The visible Form always like that of Man.

CHAPTER XI. Of the official Person and Relations of the Messiah.

CHAPTER XII. Local and visible Manifestations, Intercourse and Instructions, as characterizing the primeval and Mosaic Dispensations—Local Presence of the Messenger Jehovah in the Tabernacle.

CHAPTER XIII. Of the Chaldee Paraphrasts—Their method of designating the Personal Word or Revealer—Occasion and Necessity of it.

CHAPTER XIV. Citations from the Chaldee Paraphrases.

CHAPTER XV. Reasons of the Failure of the modern Versions of the Scriptures exhibit clearly the Hebrew designations of the Messiah—The Masoretic Punctuation—Reference to the term Melach and the formula Melach Jehovah.

CHAPTER XVI. Continuation of the subject of the preceding Chapter—Combined influence of Rabbinical and figurative Interpretations—German method of Hebrew study—Preposterous notion of the inadequacy of Language as a Vehicle of Thought.

CHAPTER XVII. Relation of the Antagonism between the Messiah and the great Adversary to the local, personal, and visible Manifestations of the former—Modes of Visibility on the part of the latter, through human agents and various instrumentalities.

CHAPTER XVIII. Illustration of the subject of the last Chapter, exhibiting the Antagonism as carried on by visible agencies, instrumentalities, and events, in the plagues of Egypt and at the Red Sea.

CHAPTER XIX. Further Illustration of the Antagonism—Idolatry a Counterfeit Rival System in opposition to the Messiah and the True Worship—Its Origin and Nature—Satan the God of it—The Tower of Babel devoted to his Worship—That Worship extended thence over the Earth at the Dispersion.

CHAPTER XX. The system of Idolatry founded on a perversion of the Doctrine of Mediation—References to the Worshippers of Baal, Israelite and Pagan.

CHAPTER XXI. Idolatry an imposing and delusive Counterfeit of the Revealed System, in respect to the leading features of its Ritual, and the prerogatives ascribed to the Arch-deceiver—Reference to the Symbols of the Apocalypse.

CHAPTER XXII. On the question, How it has happened, since the origin of the Nicene Creed, that the Old Testament has been understood to ascribe the Creation, not to the Christ, but to the Father?

CHAPTER XXIII. Continuation of the subject of the foregoing Chapter—Reference to the Heresies, respecting the Creator, of the three first and ensuing centuries.

CHAPTER XXIV. Subject of the last Chapter continued—Results of the earliest and most prevalent Heresies.

CHAPTER XXV. The great Antagonism—in what manner will it terminate?

NOTES. A—Relating to the Exposition of the Apocalypse, by D. N. Lord. B—The primary ground of Mediation, &c.