The Principles Of Aesthetics

The Principles Of Aesthetics

The Principles Of Aesthetics

Author : Dewitt H. Parker
Subject: Politics - Philosophy
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher Chưa rõ
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2004
Coppy right Chưa rõ
 CHAPTER I. Introduction: Purpose and Method
 CHAPTER II. The Definition of Art
 CHAPTER III. The Intrinsic Value of Art
 CHAPTER IV. The Analysis of the Aesthetic Experience: The Elements of the Experience
 CHAPTER V. The Analysis of the Aesthetic Experience: The Structure of the Experience
 CHAPTER VI. The Problem of Evil in Aesthetics, and Its Solution through the Tragic, Pathetic, and Comic
 CHAPTER VII. The Standard of Taste
 CHAPTER VIII. The Aesthetics of Music
 CHAPTER IX. The Aesthetics of Poetry
 CHAPTER X. Prose Literature
 CHAPTER XI. The Dominion of Art over Nature: Painting
 CHAPTER XII. The Dominion of Art over Nature: Sculpture
 CHAPTER XIII. Beauty in the Industrial Arts: Architecture
 CHAPTER XIV. The Function of Art: Art and Morality
 CHAPTER XV. The Function of Art: Art and Religion