The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course (MS 386)

The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course (MS 386)

The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course (MS 386)

Subject: Foreign Language
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Daisy Text

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Publisher Cambridge University Press
Accessible book producer Sao Mai Center for the Blind
Published year 2011
Coppy right Cambridge University Press


Tips for preparing for the TKT

Module 1. Language and background to language learning and teaching

Part 1. Describing language and language skills

Unit 1. Grammar

Unit 2. Lexis

Unit 3. Phonology

Unit 4. Functions

Unit 5. Reading

Unit 6. Writing

Unit 7. Listening

Unit 8. Speaking

Part 2. Background to language learning

Unit 9. Motivation

Unit 10. Exposure and focus on form

Unit 11. The role of error

Unit 12. Differences between LI and L2 learning

Unit 13. Learner characteristics

Unit 14. Learner needs

Unit 15. Approaches to language teaching

Part 3. Background to language teaching

Unit 16. Presentation techniques and introductory activities

Unit 17. Practice activities and tasks for language and skills development

Unit 18. Assessment types and tasks

TKT Module 1 Practice test 1.1

Module 2. Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching

Part 1. Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons

Unit 19. Identifying and selecting aims

Unit 20. Identifying the different components of a lesson plan

Unit 21. Planning an individual lesson or a sequence of lessons

Unit 22. Choosing assessment activities

Part 2. Selection and use of resources

Unit 23. Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation

Unit 24. Selection and use of coursebook materials

Unit 25. Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities

Unit 26. Selection and use of teaching aids

TKT Module 2 Practice test 2.1

Module 3. Managing the teaching and learning process

Part 1. Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom

Unit 27. Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions

Unit 28. Identifying the functions of learners' language

Unit 29. Categorising learners' mistakes

Part 2. Classroom management

Unit 30. Teacher roles

Unit 31. Grouping learners

Unit 32. Correcting learners

Unit 33. Giving feedback

TKT Module 3 Practice test 3.1

Sample TKT answer sheet

Exam tips for the TKT

Answer key for Follow-up activities

Answer key for TKT practice tasks

Answer key for TKT practice tests

Alphabetical list of glossary terms

Unit-by-unit list of glossary terms
