Jean Francois Millet

Jean Francois Millet

Jean Francois Millet

Author : Estelle M. Hurll
Subject: Arts
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher Chưa rõ
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2004
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In making a selection of Millet's pictures, devoted as they are to the single theme of French peasant life, variety of subject can be obtained only by showing as many phases of that life as possible. Our illustrations therefore represent both men and women working separately in the tasks peculiar to each, and working together in the labors shared between them. There are in addition a few pictures of child life.

            The selections include a study of the field, the dooryard, and the home interior, and range from the happiest to the most sombre subjects. They show also considerable variety in artistic motive and composition, and taken together fairly represent the scope of Millet's work.

            ESTELLE M. HURLL.

            NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

            March, 1900.