Using Folktales - Kỹ Thuật Kể Chuyện (MS-378)

Using Folktales - Kỹ Thuật Kể Chuyện (MS-378)

Using Folktales - Kỹ Thuật Kể Chuyện (MS-378)

Author : Eric K. Taylor
Subject: Foreign Language
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Daisy Text

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Publisher Cambridge University Press
Accessible book producer Sao Mai Center for the Blind
Published year 2000
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Part 1. Theoretical background

1. What makes folktales so good for language teaching?

2. Some tips for the classroom

3. Folktales in the multilevel classroom

Part 2. The activities

4. Focus on listening

5. Focus on speakihg

6. Interactive information gaps

7. Focus on reading

8. Focus on writing

9. Folktales and language games

10. Folktales and drama

11. Building awareness of text structure

12. Developing analytical skills