Death of an Englishman

Death of an Englishman

Death of an Englishman

Author : Magdalen Nabb
Subject: Literature
Category: Others...
Format: Daisy Audio Only

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Publisher Oxford University Press, Oxford Bookworms
Accessible book producer Sao Mai Center for the Blind
Published year 1992
Coppy right Oxford University Press, Oxford Bookworms

Marshal Salvatore Guarnaccia of the Florentine carabinieri, a Sicilian stationed far from home. He wants to go south for Christmas to spend the holiday with his family, but he is laid up with the 'flu. At this awkward moment, the death of a retired Englishman is reported. A most inconvenient time for a murder case. Who has shot Mr Langley-Smythe in the back? And why has Scotland Yard felt it appropriate to send two detectives, one of whom speaks no Italian, to 'help' the marshal and his colleagues with their investigation? Most importantly for the marshal, ever the Italian, will he be able to solve the crime in time to join his family over the holiday season?