The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 5

The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 5

The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 5

Subject: Arts
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher Chưa rõ
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2012
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 BOOK THE THIRD. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. Page Epoch I. The ancient masters 6 Epoch II. Various styles, from the time of Francia to that of the Caracci 50 Epoch III. The Caracci, their scholars and their successors, until the time of Cignani 96 Epoch IV. Pasinelli, and in particular Cignani, cause a change in the style of Bolognese painting. The Clementine academy and its members 217 BOOK THE FOURTH. SCHOOL OF FERRARA. Epoch I. The ancient masters 281 Epoch II. Artists of Ferrara, from the time of Alfonso I. till Alfonso II., last of the Este family in Ferrara, who emulate the best Italian styles 301 Epoch III. The artists of Ferrara borrow different styles from the Bolognese school—Decline of the art, and an academy instituted in its support 328 BOOK THE FIFTH. Epoch I. The ancient masters 359 Epoch II. Perino and his followers 369 Epoch III. The art relapses for some time, and is re-invigorated by the works of Paggi and some foreigners 392 Epoch IV. The Roman and Parmesan succeed to the native style—Establishment of an academy 424 BOOK THE SIXTH. HISTORY OF PAINTING IN PIEDMONT AND THE ADJACENT TERRITORY. Epoch I. Dawn and progress of the art until the sixteenth century 447 Epoch II. Painters of the seventeenth century, and first establishment of the academy 466 Epoch III. School of Beaumont, and restoration of the academy 483