Favorite Dishes

Favorite Dishes

Favorite Dishes

Author : Carrie V. Shuman
Subject: Other subjects
Category: Reference - Research
Format: Braille All Contractions, Daisy Text, Epub

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Publisher unknown
Accessible book producer Public domain
Published year 2004
Coppy right Unknown

Favorite Dishes is due to the fact that the noble women who have labored for the best interests of mankind and womankind, in the development of the Women's Department of the World's Columbian Exposition, found time to contribute this collection of recipes, as a means of enabling the compiler to open an additional avenue for women to provide the necessary funds to pay the expenses of a visit to the Exposition.

            The compiler is most happy to congratulate the Lady Managers and Lady Alternates of every State and Territory of the United States, including Alaska, upon the fact that their prompt responses to the statement of the object of this publication bring them together in this place as the exponents of the Art of Cookery, at this stage of its best development in this country, and as cheerful assistants of women who need the encouragement and blessings of their more fortunate sisters.

            It is to be regretted that all of the letters of commendation cannot be published, but as they would alone constitute a fair sized volume, only a few have been inserted.